Prayer Letters

Prayer Letters

CRL continues to celebrate our 50th year of broadcasting the Gospel to the Eastern Caribbean! In our last letter, I wrote that for the 50th anniversary (September 2025), we’d like to purchase 400 hand-held, solar-powered radios, fixed-tuned to CRL’s radio frequency and distribute them not only to Antigua, but to other Caribbean islands as well! These radios cost about $12 US each to produce, and I asked individuals, families, and churches to donate towards this special project! Through many of your gracious gifts and prayers, the Lord provided double what we needed! We already ordered the original 400, and are making plans to purchase more!

In February, we had friends of the ministry traveling on a Caribbean cruise deliver 100 AM radios to the countries of St. Martin & St. Maarten (one island, but two countries) and another 120 radios to us here in Antigua. A little later, we had another friend of the ministry traveling to the country of St. Kitts & Nevis (two islands, but one country) deliver 80 AM radios. Other than Antigua, we hear the most feedback from listeners in St. Kitts & Nevis, only 60 miles away. The pastors there say they are receiving excellent feedback and are asking us to please send more radios! One church leader wrote, “Some people who received the radios communicated to me their overwhelming joy and gratitude to you for the radios. They extend their Big thanks to God for using you as an instrument to have CRL minister to the shut-ins and elderly especially those who have difficulty tuning in on the frequency. If only you could imagine this profound joy!… Thank you very much for all those you have brought joy to in hearing Caribbean Radio Lighthouse in their homes and heart.” Please pray with us as we look for ways to efficiently distribute more radios to other Caribbean islands!

In December, we said bon voyage to Sheneza Saul, one of our faithful, local staff members for the past 22 years! Please pray as she has moved from Antigua and is “starting over” in a new country and culture. You can’t replace a radio voice or personality, but in January, we were able to hire Shekida McCoy to fill the gap. She’s already gone through most of the training. Please pray as she continues to learn and connect with our listeners.

Also, in December we had visitors who are involved in radio planting missions around the world. The Chafa family came for two weeks and helped with projects including reconstructing one of our FM tower anchors and rebuilding the exhaust system for our AM generator. We are very grateful for the help to mark these and other projects off the to-do list!

Please continue to pray for CRL and for additional missionary personnel to serve here in Antigua. As one of our listeners recently wrote, “Continue to pour the Lord’s message out to the world. It is needed in these wicked times.” Thank you, for helping CRL to continue to spread the Gospel to the Eastern Caribbean islands!

For the Lighthouse Staff,
Nathan P. Owens